Sunday, October 25, 2015

LibreOffice Conference 2015 (Aarhus)

This year's LibreOffice conference was at Aarhus, a growing beautiful city. I presented around the ongoing work (specifically in Impress) and at Ericsson (EGI). Yes, my travel this year to the conference was sponsored by TDF.


A lot of interesting developers, translators, QA and other contributors to LibreOffice project made it to this year's conference (Credits to Sophie & TDF for making the additional efforts). This was something nicer.

Of course, I was able to network with the new people as well as my friends from the project.


There were some interesting presentations around LibreOffice in the cloud and Android - seemed like most were from Collabora.
Missed the PyUNO talk :( just heard the last part, it was supposedly quite good - so waiting for the videos to watch it.
Of course, the talks by RedHat, CIB and the others were really good as well.

Other than the development talks, I enjoyed some talks about efforts around LibreOffice for government and migrations. And the celebrations around success at the LibreItalia (specifically around LibreOffice for the army in Italy) was really nice to know.

I also enjoyed talks about language translations and support for LibreOffice. Though I couldn't attend many of these (because the simultaneous tracks), I'm hoping to catch these up from the video recordings.


Some pictures for your enjoyment.

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